Friday, January 29, 2010

it's friday and...

We are all done!
Time for mommy to go on her girls weekend for mani/pedi's, shopping with her gift cards from Christmas, wine, dinner, more wine, an overnight stay at a boutique hotel, followed by breakfast in the morning. Woo Hoo!


  1. That sounds HEAVENLY!!!!
    Have a fun girls weekend!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! Enjoy!

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest.

  3. Yeah that sounds like a great weekend!!! Don't forget to do some shopping :D
    Enjoy your time;)
    Happy SITS saturday sharefest btw!

  4. Enjoy yourself!!
    Happy SITS Saturday!

  5. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!! I was checking out your previous posts and really love your photos!

    It's not Saturday anymore so Happy Sunday SITS Sharefest! :)


It's a beautiful noise-And it's a sound that I love- And it makes me feel good-Like a hand in a glove -Yes it does, yes it does-What a beautiful noise

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