Wednesday, September 30, 2009

nothing says fall like...

an apple streusel bundt cake (apples courtesy of melissa),

a fresh new do,

raking leaves with daddy (while wearing a helmet) from now until...


a trike ride up and down the sidewalk just before dinner, and right before dark.


  1. I loved this one..of course I love them all....but the pictures are like a thousand words. What recipe did you use? Does Anna try and make the bike by pushing with her feet or can she reach the pedals.
    My favorite is Erik and Kieran together but what really makes it adorable is that he is wearing the helmut! I love Kieran's haircut. It makes him look like such a big boy!

  2. yum, that cake looks good! Glad you liked the apples! I can't believe how many leaves you already have in your yard! And, I LOVE that last picture of Anna on the trike. That is a framer!

  3. now i'm even crying more....i want to have these simple times with family, but not home.


It's a beautiful noise-And it's a sound that I love- And it makes me feel good-Like a hand in a glove -Yes it does, yes it does-What a beautiful noise

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