Friday, May 28, 2010


  • Because I have been seriously lagging on keeping up with my blog
  • Because my days have been exhaustingly long and I haven't had time for myself
  • Because I thought I'd be better at writing more often since I'm feeling like myself again, now that I'm in my 2nd trimester (I'm 16 weeks 4 days and on Monday, I finally started feeling this little one say hello!)
  • Because it's easier to write in bullet points to justify starting somewhat of a sentence with 'because'
  • Because I have pictures to post of Kieran and Anna that need editing, only these ones are decent enough to go untouched:

  • Because it's Memorial Day weekend, and I should be cleaning and folding laundry instead of in-laws will be here in the early afternoon!

Happy 3-day weekend!

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It's a beautiful noise-And it's a sound that I love- And it makes me feel good-Like a hand in a glove -Yes it does, yes it does-What a beautiful noise

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